The 3 Zodiac Signs Could Find True Love on July 12, 2024

On July 12, Venus opposing Pluto brings true love, according to our horoscope.

On Friday, the oppositional state of the two planets helps us overcome inhibitions. This time affects three zodiac signs with honesty and communication.

In this case, 'real love' is direct expression without self-consciousness. We fall in love with the real person and don't act pretentious.

true love comes from being real, which attracts other truthful people. True means honest, sincere, direct and straightforward.

Venus lets love flow easily, and the three zodiac signs are willing to work with Pluto's energy to transform love.

Because in the past you have perceived "real" love as something else, you may have given up on it. On Friday, you will redefine true love and discover that you have it.

1. Aries

You realize you must work to maintain the love you once loved. You don't have to work hard, but you do have to figure out what works in the relationship.

2. Virgo

 Sometimes you want to pull your hair out of your romantic relationship. After a long time together you feel that 'familiarity breeds enmity'. It challenges your patience and makes you think.

3. Capricorn

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3 Zodiac Signs’ Relationships Change Significantly July 8 Week.